Wadhurst United Junior Football Club

Wadhurst United Junior Football Club - Members Information 2024/25

To register a new player for the 2024-25 season:

1. Go to https://wadhurstjfc.uk/account/register and create a new account for yourself.
2. Once done, click 'Register a new player for the 2024/5 season' at the bottom of the page, and enter the details for your player.
3. Pay the fees as per the instructions at https://wadhurstjfc.uk/fees

If you have any questions or issues, please contact registrations@wadhurstjfc.uk.

For information about the 2025 tournaments, click here.

Club Documents & Policies

Wadhurst United JFC Information for Members 2024-25.docx

Player Code of Conduct.docx

Spectators and Parent & Carers Code of Conduct.docx 

Coaches Code of Conduct.docx

Wadhurst JFC Club Kit Policy (1).doc

Wadhurst JFC Youth Fines Policy (3).doc 
Wadhurst JFC Photography Guidelines (1).doc

Wadhurst JFC Grievance Policy.doc

Wadhurst JFC Data Protection (GDPR) (1).doc

Spectators Match Day Good Practice.pdf

FA Discrimination.doc

Wadhurst JFC - FA Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf

FA Safeguarding Policy.pdf