Wadhurst United Junior Football Club

Wadhurst United Junior Football Club News story

Club Presentation Day - Sat 22nd June

04 Jun 2018

The Club's annual player presentations are being held on Saturday 22nd June at Sparrows Green Recreation Ground from 10.00.  Team Presentations are listed below and stalls will include Bar, BBQ, Raffle, Sweet Tombola, Bottle, Tuck Shop and Speed Gun.  Please come and support the day and donations of sweets, bottles and help will be gratefully received! thank you.

10.00 - u5/6
10.30 - u7
11.00 - u8
11.30 - u9
12.00 - u10
12.30 - u11
1.00 - u12
1.30 - u13 Trojans
2.00 - u14 Titans
2.30 - u14 Wealden Warriors
3.00 - u15
3.30 - u17/u18